Occam’s Razor Law in UX Design

Occam’s Razor is a problem-solving principle stating that the simplest explanation or solution, with the fewest assumptions, is often the most likely to be correct. The law is named after the 14th-century English Franciscan friar and philosopher William of Ockham. Although William of Ockham never explicitly formulated the principle, he frequently employed a similar idea in his philosophical and theological work. The concept can be traced back to the idea of “pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate,” which translates to “plurality should not be posited without necessity.” This principle encourages the selection of the simplest explanation with the fewest assumptions when faced with competing hypotheses.

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practical tips

  • Streamline menus and group similar items for easy navigation.
  • Break complex tasks into smaller steps with clear instructions.
  • Use autofill features and limit form fields to essential ones.
  • Ensure visual elements, typography, and color schemes are consistent.
  • Eliminate extraneous features that don’t contribute to user goals.
  • Design with mobile devices and diverse users in mind.
  • Conduct user testing and continually improve based on feedback.

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