Design Principles in UI

Design principles are what UX/UI designers use intentionally or subconsciously in their day-to-day workflow. These are the fundamental rules that help achieve great results in the visual, user interface, graphic, or any other kind of design. These rules are based on the Gestalt principles created by psychologists in the early 20th century in Austria and Germany.

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Make sure you evaluate your designs against each of these principles and achieve a good combination of them in your composition.


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6 thoughts on “Design Principles in UI”

  1. Hello Paul,

    UX HINTS is the clearest and most beautiful and helpful resource I found on the web about UX/UI so far.
    Everything, from the design system to the images to PDFs to text to content in general, is so nice to the eye as well as easy to be absorbed by the brain. This is quite a hell of a job as for facilitation.

    Thank you so much for you time and your efforts in doing this.

  2. This is like finding a gold mine, this is one of the most valuable resources I have found on UX in addition to checklist design. This is top-notch, thanks a lot this is so clean and useful.

    1. Thanks for your feedback, Hussein! I’m glad you find it useful. We’ll keep adding more valuable content to the website.

  3. Really helpful, hopefully you have a course on Ui/Ux because there are a lot of people like me who don’t have a degree but can design by self taught, and beleive me this is really helpfull. These minor things are already known but when you read it again and again than it starts to make a difference in your design subconciously.
    Thanks again, godspeed team!

    1. Thank you Zerri for the great feedback. We’ll keep working on adding new content to the website and creating a UX/UI course to help beginners grow faster. I will keep you posted. Thanks!

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